
OECD South East Europe Regional Programme

Since 2000, the OECD South East Europe Regional Programme (SEERP) has been providing the region’s economies with comprehensive policy analysis and advice to boost sustainable and inclusive economic growth, and to facilitate the region’s socio-economic convergence with the OECD and European Union (EU).

Using OECD methods, tools and standards, the SEERP has provided regular analytical assessments and policy recommendations to bolster competitiveness and regional integration, in close alignment with the region’s EU agenda. It also acts as the central entry point for the Western Balkans to tap into diverse policy advice from the OECD by facilitating engagement with OECD bodies and fostering co-operation between OECD members and regional stakeholders, including policy makers, business leaders and civil society.

The SEERP uses a blend of data collection, comprehensive analysis, formulation of policy recommendations, exchange of best practices, public and private stakeholder dialogue, and capacity building to support policy making and reforms in the region. Its analytical products have become key reference documents informing policy-making processes. Its impact is underscored by several significant achievements, including its role in informing economic reform agendas. It has served as a vital analytical resource for processes such as EU accession and regional platforms such as the Berlin Process and the South East European Co-operation Process (SEECP). The programme also enhances regional co-operation and dialogue among peers and OECD member countries on cross-cutting policy issues.

SEERP work areas include:

Western Balkans Competitiveness Outlook: A tool for monitoring progress in building competitive economies

Funded by the European Union, the flagship regional publication series, the Western Balkans Competitiveness Outlook, is the most comprehensive assessment of economic reforms in the six Western Balkan economies: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia. Since 2016 it has provided the region’s policy makers with a unique benchmarking tool, enabling them to compare economic policy performance over time and to design future policies based on robust evidence and actionable policy recommendations from OECD standards and good practices.

The Competitiveness Outlook employs a participatory assessment method (see the Methodology section for more detailed information) aimed at fostering peer learning, consensus building on reform priorities and stakeholder co-ordination. This inclusive approach is reflected in the diverse stakeholders involved in assessment activities and contributes to robust data collection and facilitates constructive exchanges on concrete policy issues among stakeholders and with the OECD.

Western Balkans Competitiveness Outlook 2024

The fourth edition of the Western Balkans Competitiveness Outlook 2024 covers 15 policy areas and introduces a novel approach that harnesses complementarities between these areas by organising findings into five policy clusters: 1) Infrastructure and connectivity; 2) Skills; 3) Business environment; 4) Digital Transformation; and 5) Greening.

Assessment results are presented in distinct profiles for each Western Balkan economy that provide an economy-specific analysis of the 15 policy areas, providing actionable recommendations within each area for enhanced competitiveness. The regional profile offers insights into policy progress and challenges across the five clusters, monitoring the region’s convergence towards OECD and EU standards.

These reports complement the Data Hub, which was prepared for the first time for this fourth edition and is designed to showcase the progress of individual economies and the region over time, enhancing the visualisation, accessibility and dissemination of the assessment results. Over time, the Data Hub is expected to integrate findings and results from other key OECD work streams to provide a comprehensive view of the region’s policy landscape in support of competitiveness.

Competitiveness Outlook Publications

Latest Edition 2024

Latest Edition 2024

Edition 2021

Edition 2021

Edition 2018

Edition 2018

* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status and is in line with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244/99 and the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice on Kosovo’s declaration of independence.