
Research, innovation, technology transfer and digitalisation (RITTD)

Not Implemented
Not Applicable
A list of levels for the selected indicator.
Specific programmes that promote farms’ adoption of innovations and knowledge transfer related to climate change are in place.
Impact assessments are regularly conducted on the policy framework by an independent body.
*Not conducted by an independent body
Agriculture Knowledge and Innovation System (AKIS) is in place.
*Under development
Specific programmes to promote farm and agrifood firms’ adoption of innovations and knowledge transfer are in place.
Agriculture extension and advisory services are available to farmers.
Public advisory services have been established to promote the transfer of knowledge and innovation to farmers.
There is a formal consultation process with stakeholders regarding proposed revisions to the regulatory framework addressing RITTD
There are government programmes that directly contribute to research, advisory services and/or technology transfer.
*Programmes under development
Institutional co-ordination is well-established and facilitates dialogue between government and non-government actors.
Policy framework addressing research, innovation, technology transfer and digitalisation in agriculture is in place.
*Policy framework under development

Note that for Bosnia and Herzegovina, “State” stands for the state level, while “FBiH” stands for the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and “RS” stands for Republika Srpska - the two entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Note that the presented scoring criteria system is not a full representation of the scoring methodology used to determine the score for an indicator. For more information, see the Methodology section.

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