
Initial teacher education and selection

Not Implemented
Not Applicable
A list of levels for the selected indicator.
Mechanisms are in place to ensure that individuals who wish to enter the profession mid-career - with relevant skills and experience gained outside of education - have acquired the competences needed for good teaching.
Policies address structural issues to help raise competitiveness of the teaching profession .
There are targeted efforts to recruit teachers.
There is a system of accreditation for initial teacher education programmes.
A range of data is collected to monitor the teaching workforce and initial education programmes and used to inform policies.
*Not all relevant data is collected
Mechanisms for selection into the teaching profession are in place (to ensure that new teachers have acquired the competences needed for good teaching).
There are mechanisms for selection into initial teacher education.
Initial teacher education uses professional teacher standards as a core reference for developing programmes;
Teacher policy on selection and initial education has undergone an evaluation and been adjusted, as appropriate.

Note that for Bosnia and Herzegovina, “State” stands for the state level, while “FBiH” stands for the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and “RS” stands for Republika Srpska - the two entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Note that the presented scoring criteria system is not a full representation of the scoring methodology used to determine the score for an indicator. For more information, see the Methodology section.

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