
Renewable energy policy

Not Implemented
Not Applicable
A list of levels for the selected indicator.
Results of monitoring and evaluation analysis are being used for the improvement of future renewable energy policies.
Regular monitoring and evaluation activities assessing the effectiveness of renewable energy policy are conducted.
The implementation of the policy framework is advancing – at least 50% of planned activities have been implemented on schedule.
Information and data on key renewable energy indicators is regularly updated and accessible to the wider public.
The policy framework acknowledges and encourages the development of decentralised renewable generation and the role of prosumers.
The legal framework for renewable energy is largely compliant with the requirements from the EU and Energy Community acquis.
Competitive mechanisms such as capacity auctions are in place for new renewable energy projects
A National Renewable Action Plan or equivalent policy framework for encouraging the development of renewable energy sources has been adopted.
All renewable energy support schemes are designed to have a minimal market distorting effect while supporting renewable generation.
The legal framework for renewable energy is fully compliant with the requirements from the EU and Energy Community acquis.

Note that for Bosnia and Herzegovina, “State” stands for the state level, while “FBiH” stands for the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and “RS” stands for Republika Srpska - the two entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Note that the presented scoring criteria system is not a full representation of the scoring methodology used to determine the score for an indicator. For more information, see the Methodology section.

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