
Inclusive bank finance

Not Implemented
Not Applicable

Level 0

Level 5

A list of levels for the selected indicator.
An analysis identifying and addressing the obstacles to banking finance inclusion has been conducted.
*Not yet adopted but under development
A legal framework for microfinance activities is in place.
Competent authorities supervise microfinance activities.
The government provides access to information and services on microfinance for SMEs.
The government regulates the interest rates charged by microfinance facilities.
Microfinance facilities can collect deposits  .
Credit guarantee schemes (CGSs) promoting responsible lending practices and providing targeted support are in place.
CSGs undergo periodic evaluations, with corrective actions as needed.

Note that for Bosnia and Herzegovina, “State” stands for the state level, while “FBiH” stands for the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and “RS” stands for Republika Srpska - the two entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Note that the presented scoring criteria system is not a full representation of the scoring methodology used to determine the score for an indicator. For more information, see the Methodology section.

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