
Corporate Income tax analysis

Not Implemented
Not Applicable
A list of levels for the selected indicator.
Tax return data is used to calculate firm profitability rates across firms in order to verify tax compliance behaviour of businesses.
The economy analyses what drives differences in CIT payments across firms and industries.
Backward looking corporate effective tax rates are calculated using tax return data.
Forward looking corporate effective tax rates are calculated on a regular basis.
Simple statistics on corporate taxation are routinely calculated.
The economy has implemented the Country-by-Country (CbC) Reporting Package and is using the data for tax policy and administration purposes.
*In the process of implementing.
The economy is in the process of evaluating to which extent corporations that are within scope of the GloBE Rules face an effective tax rate of at least 15%.
The economy is assessing the impact of the substance-based income exclusion from the GloBE tax base.

Note that for Bosnia and Herzegovina, “State” stands for the state level, while “FBiH” stands for the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and “RS” stands for Republika Srpska - the two entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Note that the presented scoring criteria system is not a full representation of the scoring methodology used to determine the score for an indicator. For more information, see the Methodology section.

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Personal income taxes (PIT) and social security contributions (SSCs) analysis